Rural Mailbox as a blogger

From "Mountaintop mailbox is duly noted"
By J. Harry Jones
"The mailbox contains writings and artifacts from hikers who make it to the top, plus a first aid kit and toilet paper.Their impressions, messages and laments are stuffed in a mailbox at the summit of Iron Mountain, one the county's most popular peaks. They are read by anyone willing to invest some exertion.Hundreds of people hike the three miles to the summit every week, from a trail head along state Route 67 just south of Poway Road. No doubt tired from the climb, some sit down at a picnic table and write.Comments about the beauty of the view are common. But the messages range from humorous to heartfelt, from trivial to introspective. Some reflect on their lives or spout off about politics. A few pour out their souls. "
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