Sunday, November 20, 2005

Rural Mailbox in winter

Rural Mailbox in winter

"It won't be long before winter is upon us and the snow begins to fly. This means that your mail carrier has another safety hazard to contend with -- ice and snow.

The Postal Service asks that the approach to, and exit from, the mailbox be cleared sufficiently to allow the carriers to travel their normal route of delivery. For rural carriers, this means keeping the approach clear so that mail can be deposited from the vehicle and road edges clear of weeds, etc. so his road is not blocked.

Your carrier is a conscientious employee and wants to provide you the best service possible. However, he may not be able to provide that service if the approach to your mailbox is covered by ice or snow or his route is blocked by preventable snowdrifts.

You can help your carrier serve you and others on his route by keeping his route and your mailbox clear of snow, ice and objects. This will permit him to approach your mailbox to deposit and collect mail safely and then proceed to the next mailbox without delay."


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