An army of mailboxes

What reminds you this photo of mailboxes? Me it reminds an army and each mailbox is a solder.
Why we are using such mailboxes? We all are different. I believe that a mailbox is a part of the house and it has to tell something about its owner. There are a lot of different novelty, designed mailboxes. Everyone can found something personal. If you like old cars, then you can buy cadillac mailbox. If you are living in Florida, then may be you will like crocodile mailbox. There are a lot of different cat mailboxes, dog mailboxes. If you are living near the ocean, many people in America live near the ocean, then may be you will like whale mailbox, dolphin mailbox, manatee mailbox. Some people can like train mailbox, tractor mailbox, golf mailbox, horse mailbox.
Just use something individual, for example like these guys.

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