Train mailbox

I am going to collect train mailbox images on this blog. This is one from Sam's mailbox picture collection.
Put your mail on a train just like 100 years ago!
Send me more train mailbox images!
Residential Mailboxes - classic rural mailboxes, elegant Victorian mailboxes, copper or brass mailboxes, handcrafted novelty mailboxes, heavy-built and secure locking mailboxes, post mounted or wall mounted - whichever you choose, you get in touch with it every single day. This blog is devoted to all residential mailbox related news, problems and solutions, advantages and disadvantages, law discussions, great ideas, small tips and just fun mailbox pictures.
... I was impressed... Here is my 9 grade daughter's exercise in her public speaking class... She typed this nonsense with terrifying speed...
Rural Mailbox in winter
Snowplow season's tough on mailboxes
" Check your mailbox before snow falls to make sure it is sturdy and there is no prior damage that would make it break easier.
Snowplow, inexperienced drivers, Mailbox Baseball and other types of vandalism can cause a serious damage to your mailbox.